PLAY ▶️ (Print)
Something is on these tapes.
We do not know what it is.
We need you to watch them and take notes.
However, please be safe.
Something is in these tapes.
We do not know what it is.
We are the Silver Key Society.
Our archives contain video records related to unusual occurrences: vanishings, paranormal events, hauntings, encounters. Some of these are violent. Some depict murder, or suicide, or worse.
Your job is to watch them.
Be careful.
Analog-horror roleplaying inspired by found-footage films (Blair Witch Project, Skinamarink, Creep, Paranormal Activity). This product is just the instruction manual. You also need the PLAY ▶️ Event Deck.
Due to its extreme content,PLAY ▶️ is for mature players only.
PLAY ▶️ AUDIO by Gasoline Invertebrate/Amalgamated Cadaver available at Bandcamp.com.
“It was super dark and we pulled a few punches. I can see how this could go to a very dark place… and you learn a lot about the people you play with by seeing how they narrate as Camera. Glad I got to play at GenCon since the friends at home would not handle this well. Fantastic game.” — Chad B.
…[a] perverted – not in the pornographic sense – eerie game… one of those games I like because players end up creating their own narrative every time.”
— Cameron Strittmatter
Additional Info
Softcover. 4 inches x 6 inches. 16 pages. Black and white.
Designed by Jared A. Sorensen and John Wick
PLAY ▶️ Requirements:
2+ players
15-30 min
A remote control
Pens/pencils and paper to take note
The PLAY ▶️ event deck (a deck of standard playing cards or percentile dice can also be used)